Rick Kennell's Scrapbook Archive
Jeff Garringer created some really terrific posters for the band. Here are a few examples from the early band concert dates. Note the One, Two and Three dollar admission fees! Wow!
(top) Happy together for the first time at Madison College in Harrisonburg, VA.
(bttm) The band house basement at Rockbridge Circle in Harrisonburg.
(top) Stan's band in Germany (circa 1971)....Shady Grove
(David Bach on the left, Cary Lunsford on
drums, Jim Sullivan on bass and Stan on the right.)(bttm) Rick, with a pineapple on his head! At his going away party as he left Germany to join up with the band in Va.
Some loose photos from the scrapbook,(top) The band at our last gig at Madison
College. (bttm three) Shots from Stan and Frank's dorm room. All furniture was
stacked in the hallway outside to make room for band gear.